Bauy with friends is the space where we talk to people who inspire us and where we share some of these conversations with you.

There would be no better way to start than with Maria Seixas Correia, a friend of Bauy's for a few years, an announcer and presenter who allowed us to know a little more about her life.

  • Considering that you have been a known face to the general public for over 10 years, how do you present yourself nowadays?
I have some difficulty introducing myself, I confess. I'm Maria, I'm 32 years old, I'm from Lisbon. I like to create. I think that's how I know myself best.

I feel like an entertainer in general. Presenter in particular. What takes up the most space in my heart is being a radio presenter/entertainer. I feel like it's what I do best and where I feel most comfortable. Deep down I like making others feel things. However, it's not just altruistic: I feel like I really need this exchange of feelings and fun to be happy. I'm a mother and I'm obsessed with my son, Akira. He's the coolest person in the world.

  • You're about to celebrate 3 years at Curto Circuito, first of all, congratulations! What have these years been like working in a format that was strange to you? What has the move from radio to television taught you so far?

Wow. I hadn't noticed that it had been almost 3 years! Radio is a wonderful school for all forms of communication. Going with this luggage helped the process a lot. The help of communication through images ends up making things easier. I had also done some programs for YouTube that gave me this "crack" with the cameras. But there is a very unique magic to television, learning and challenges, of course. The image part also leaves us more exposed. On the radio, we control everything. On television, there are more people controlling: the times, the content, the guests, the formats... so far my biggest learning is realizing that I don't control everything.

right image: blouse and necklace

  • The 20s for you have definitely proven that they are times of change and I believe that the biggest change in your life (not being a father and living only through the shared experience of friends and family) was the birth of Akira. How has this new love experience been?

The best of my life. Whatever cliché you can imagine, check it out. And I don't know if I've already said it... but Akira is the coolest person in the world. Ahahaha

  • Do you miss doing radio? Do you feel that “While I Don’t Have 1 Podcast” is the place where you’re going to kill this radio nostalgia bug or is it something completely different for you?

Miss you very much. I think about the radio every day. I really feel like a radio broadcaster as if it were a personality trait. Like: I'm friendly, fun, radio presenter, stubborn. Ahaha.

While I Don't Have 1 Podcast takes up a bit of that space. But nothing replaces the radio. The direct, the type of communication, the people. One day I know I will return to radio.

pants , shirt and top

  • Pulling the heat a little not on my sardine, but on Bauy's, I'd like to talk to you a little about your relationship with “fashion” – a very broad concept. How do you remember the first time you wanted to know how you dressed? Is there a specific moment or was it something gradual?

Since I was a child, I've loved clothes. I remember two specific pieces that I think: eish, I wish I could wear them nowadays.

    Both are very Bauy style: one of them is a wide striped dress with several faded colors and a kind of glitter, the other is also a dress, but red with white Hawaiian flowers. I have always expressed myself a lot through clothes..

    • What was always important and indispensable for you in the clothes you wore?

    Let it be an extension of my personality.

    • How do you justify to your 15-year-old self the way you dress now?

    I think my 15-year-old self would think: you're already 32 and sometimes you still look 15. Which can be good and bad. I don't give in to the pressure of age and what I'm supposed to do. I really think that I chose this profession to have a life to play. Divertida. And my 15-year-old self is part of it. The bad part is that sometimes we have to deal with people who have already lost their 15-year-old self and it's annoying.

    • Were there specific moments in your life that changed the way you viewed the way you dressed?

    Poucos. I remember that when I was a hostess at events (even when I was studying) I had to hide my piercings and tattoos. I hope that has changed by now.

    • In a world where we are used to recycling trends, #welcomebackcrocs, what is the trend that you will never join?

    I never say never, but I can't imagine wearing snapbacks anymore, and there was a time when I loved wearing them.

    • Coming to the end and focusing now on your relationship with Bauy, I would like to ask you if you can remember your first interaction with the brand and how that interaction evolved to the present day?

    I remember that my first piece from Bauy was a blue velvet shirt that I wore in Curto Circuito. Over the years I've been buying pieces for myself and Akira. Nowadays I think we have a very beautiful relationship. Especially because I say many times a week: "it's from Bauy". There's never a time when I wear something from Bauy that people don't praise and I say: it's from Bauy. I even feel boring. And then I always add: it's an incredible Portuguese brand and has a lot of beauty. Vê. I'm boring, I realize now. But the truth is that I love the brand and I hope to continue following Bauy's growth for many years to come. And preferably to continue saying: "it's from Bauy" for many years too. :)

    First partnership with Maria

    Text Francisco Barros

    17 of November of 2023 — Diana Nobre