Debuted in 2023, it reached Portuguese screens only in 2024. For everyone who wanted to see the film since it was announced, as was my case, the wait was LONG.

Yorgos Banthimos, director known for his unconventional interpretations in films like'The Lobster'And'The Killing of a Holy Deer', Brings us in'Poor Things'One more piece full of dimensions and subliminal messages.

Referring only to things that are in the trailer, the story focuses on Bella Baxter, a young woman resurrected by Godwin Baxter who, full of hunger to know the world, goes on an adventure where, little by little, they steal his innocence. The film ends up filling with strong messages of empowerment, focusing on different aspects of the female universe, a raw and original criticism.

The universe created by Yorgos is something absolutely new and fantastic, the result of a brilliant mind of so imaginative that it is. It reaches a point where it becomes a challenge for the viewer to try to understand what is appearing on the screen, and make no mistake, it is not a criticism, but a great compliment.

Passing through Lisbon was a point of special interest to me, as well as to all Portuguese spectators. The portrait of Lisbon is quite fun in a passage through the dramas of couples in narrow streets, the obsessive baling of cream pastries and, of course, by the magical voice of Carminho that echoes on the small balcony. The music'The QuarTo'Is a sad premise disguised in a beautiful voice, about Bella's current experience, which progressively becomes aware of several "less good" aspects around her.

This film's strong spectrum, boundless originality, is also, most likely, its weakest spectus. It's a blessing, just like a curse, really. So distinct in its narrative and presentation, it becomes possible that it is not a film for all viewers, and open-mindedness is a mandatory requirement to watch Poor Things.

Text: Francisco Barros

07 of March of 2024 — Diana Nobre