Bauy with friends is the space where we talk to people who inspire us and where we share some of these conversations with you.

Today we bring to the conversation Inês Abrantes, personal trainer and TV Host of the Short Circuit, which allowed us to know more about her life!

  • Who is Inês Abrantes inside and outside her 1000 talents?
Inês is someone who fills her life with things and people who make her happy and add her and these things range from work, family, friends, volunteering, alone time, animals and a lot of other things! :)
  • You started in the area of sport and, eventually, you came to the world of communication. How was this process? Was it something natural for you?

All that was natural and, so little, expected. It happened following the launch of my book that made the invitation from the Short Circuit to join the team of presenters. Communicating has always been something that I worked on a lot because it is not natural to me, already at school, for example, I was quite ashamed at the time of presenting the projects, but over time I have been improving and perfecting some little things that now make me feel more comfortable in this area, despite still having a lot to learn.

  • Do you think that communication was a consequence of sport? In other words, did you improve your communicative capacity, learn tools, etc., to better pass on all the knowledge you already had in the field of sport?

I don't feel it is related, not least because the sports I practiced and in which I competed were individual sports. But who knows, it may have helped! All our experiences contribute to the whole we are today.

  • Starting with the beginning of your communication career, it starts there at the end of 2022 when you join the Short Circuit team. How was this integration?

The Short Circuit team is wonderful, colleagues spectacular and helped me to feel at ease. The concept of the programme, I also think it is great to start in this area because we have the possibility to fail and learn from these failures.

  • The success turned out to be so much in this communicative area that, the following year, you join the other team too-MegaHits. What are the pros and cons for you between these two very different media, radio and television? Is there one you prefer?

The invitation to make a podcast on MegaHits even came before television, but ended up advancing only in 2023 due to the lack of availability on my part to take a solo project forward. It's been really nice to go through all the stages of production, preparation of the episodes, editing of the teasers, etc, and I 've learned a lot. I am grateful to Megahits for the opportunity and freedom to talk about all the issues on this podcast.

  • Between television, podcast, kickboxing, dancing or writing, do you have a favorite child?

Yes, I have! The one that (of all these) does not bring me any monetary return! The dance :) I do it only in a recreational way and it's a form of mental pressure release for me, I love it.

  • How is it for you to reconcile all these projects? Being a personal trainer, television, radio and, still, a personal life.
Lots of organization and discipline to meet schedules. And also some waist game :)
  • About the fashion and the context of it in your life, do you think your connection to fitness made you want to know more about the way you presented yourself?

I was always quite conceit, although I also always had the preference for more comfortable clothes! But without a doubt that the entry into the world of "arts", aroused more in me this little pet of fashion, makeup and care with the image.

  • Tell me a current trend in fashion that you just can't stand

Socks with slippers.

  • What is absolutely indispensable to you in the clothes you wear?

Comfort without a doubt, not least because it is enough to be minimally uncomfortable not to feel at our best

  • And, as always, in my last question, I just wanted to ask you if you remember your first contact with Bauy and how has that interaction evolved to this day?

Simmm, Bauy came to me through Maria Seixas Correia who introduced me to Diana. I really like the brand and above all the people who make the brand! I hope they continue to grow and they can always count on my support.

Text Francisco Barros

26 of June of 2024 — Diana Nobre